Thursday, 28 December 2017

7 great ideas I learnt in our Management programs to build great relationship

 7 great ideas I learnt in our Management programs to build great relationship.There could be more but this are essentials.Thought of sharing it with you. *1) Be kind first  one to say hello (or namaste/Shalom/Hola etc) when you encounter another human.* In other words, be kind first (takes courage because we”re all scared of rejection, not being liked etc).

*2)-smile a lot. One of the best ways to have someone open up to you. Remember, we make lasting impressions of people within the first few minutes of meeting them. Start with a smile.*

*3)-get devoted to using people”s names.* Really important. Shows that you care. A mark of respect.

*4)-look people in the eye when you speak to them. A mark of respect.*

*5)-become a world-class listener.*Get this one right and you”ll own the title of “Relationship Superstar”. Most people don”t listen. Most people are so self-focused they fail to ask good questions when they meet another person. *Listening and asking questions shows humility.* It shows you are interested. Demonstrates that you are engaged – and not in love with yourself. Most people”s idea of listening is waiting until the other person has finished speaking.

*6)-offer sincere compliments. Praise is free. Never miss an opportunity to celebrate and elevate another person, whether at work or at home.* You”ll connect with the best within them. And then they”ll give you their best. Leave people better than you found them.

*7) -treat everyone (and I do mean EVERYONE; it scares me when someone”s really nice to me but rude to a waiter* – no consistency there) like royalty. Behave as if you”ll never see them again. When I get home from work each day, my kids come flying around the corner and hug me. Every day. Makes me feel like a king. If I could be half as great as my kids (and children), I”d be a happy man.

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डायबिटीज घरेलू उपाय से 6 महीने में ठीक करें - पनीर फूल(पनीर डोडा)

 सभी चिकित्सक, योग करवाने वाले भाइयों बहनों, आपसे अनुरोध है कि आप मेरे डायबटीज और ब्लडप्रेशर ठीक करने वाले रिसर्च में सहयोग करें। निम्नलिखित...